De Quervain Tenosynovitis, The Causes And Treatments

Medical Guides | 2014 Jul

How is the doctor to treat de quervain tenosynovitis Singapore? Doctors here have been looking into the condition known as De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis as, linked to rheumatoid arhritis, it is 1 of the most common musculoskeletal problems affecting the general population and is likely to be experienced by most people at least once in their lifetime, women being six times more at risk, especially those in middle age. However, it is frequently seen in new mothers which is probably due to repetitive lifting and putting down of the baby. As with most tendon problems, this is most usually linked to activities which involve repetitious movements of the thumb and wrist, such as racquet sports, fly fishing, golf and infant care.

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis is a condition caused by inflammation or irritation of the wrist tendons at the base of the thumb. This causes the area around the tendon to swell, making wrist and thumb movement painful.

Diagnosing De Quervain Tenosynovitis.

When people experience such pain, they should visit the doctor who will examine them and, making note of the pain, tenderness and swelling he observes will also include a Finkelstein test. This involves a fist made with the fingers over the thumb and, with de Quervain Tenosynovitis, will cause increased pain.

The doctor may also decide that X-rays are necessary to rule out other conditions, such as degenerative joint disease (which may coexist with de Quervain syndrome).


How, then, is a doctor to treat de quervain tenosynovitis Singapore? Like most inflamed tendon problems, non-operative treatments are preferable and include wearing a splint to rest the thumb and wrist. Anti-inflammatory and painkilling medication is usually prescribed and the doctor may even prescribe a steroid injection into the tendon compartment to fight the inflammation. Corticosteroid cream may also help as it provides ultrasound through the skin and can reduce inflammation. Stretching the wrist may also help to relieve the symptoms and enhance recovery. These steps should relieve the pain caused by the irritation and swelling. In some cases, simply stopping the causal activities and allowing the muscle and tendon to rest may allow the symptoms to resolve on their own.

However, when the symptoms are severe or do not improve after a while, surgery may be necessary. This will open the compartment to make room for the inflamed tendons, thus breaking the cycle where the tight space causes more inflammation.

Preventing Recurrence of De Quervain Tenosynovitis

It is advisable for the patient to avoid the repetitive activities which may aggravate the pain, certainly until the condition has completely healed. With this in mind, it is a good idea to pay attention to workplace and home ergonomics and ensure that repetitive actions are not going to cause a repetition of the condition. Your doctor may also be able to advise you on exercises that will help to strengthen the area and improve flexibility.

Similarly, a healthy diet, possibly with the use of dietary supplements, is essential for a healthy body, particularly healthy tissue, tendons and muscles which means that the likelihood of injury may be reduced and recovery from injury is quicker. Wouldn’t visitors to the clinic prefer prevention to needing a doctor to treat de quervain tenosynovitis Singapore?

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