Treating Lower Leg Pain

Medical Guides | 2014 Jul

Lower leg pain has many causes. It could be as obvious as an injury, as common as cramp or as complex as damaged arteries.

Injuries such as shin splints, torn muscles and tendons or fractures and sprains can all cause tremendous pain. They have in common that they tend to be the result of over-use of the limbs or inadequate preparation for exercise and will, on the whole, heal with time.

Similarly, muscle cramp is something that affects most of us at one time or another. Caused by heat, dehydration or muscle fatigue, it is most common among older people and athletes who are not in top condition. Cramp is easily treated by stretching and massaging the muscles and applying heat to tight muscles or cold to those that are tender.

However, knee pain can be excruciating, not only in the knee itself, but also in the lower leg, making such simple tasks as walking almost impossible to pursue. Painful knee joints can lead to such things as the inability to walk comfortably on the affected side; deformity around the joint; pain at night or while resting; inability to bend the knee; swelling of the joint or calf area; infection.

However, lower leg pain is often due to problems with blood vessels:

Deep Vein Thrombosis                                                                                          

This is where a blood clot develops in a vein deep in the body, mostly in the lower leg or thigh. They are most likely to happen if you spend long periods of time inactive, smoke or take medicine that increases the risk of clots. If you suspect a blood clot, you must seek medical advice right away as pieces of blood clots can travel to lungs and other organs.

Varicose veins                                                                                                     

These are the purple or dark blue twisted veins seen near the surface of the skin and are usually caused by weak valves and vein walls. Apart from this visual indication, you are most likely to feel a dull ache, especially after standing for a while. Support stockings or trying to favour alternate legs while standing are highly beneficial.


A tender, red, warm and swollen area may indicate a skin or soft tissue infection. Soaking in a warm bath can help to soothe discomfort. If you develop a high temperature, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

(PAD). Lower extremity peripheral arterial disease  

The leg artery lining can become narrowed and damaged the same as the heart. This reduces blood flow and can cause lower leg pain or cramping when walking, climbing stairs and other kinds of exercise as muscles aren’t getting enough blood. Resting will bring relief, but arteries that become severely narrowed or blocked, cause persistent pain, even when resting. Injuries may also fail to heal well. Left untreated, this condition can lead to gangrene (dead tissue). People most at risk include those with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and smokers.

Lifestyle change will help to prevent this problem. Smokers should stop smoking; you should manage your weight and you should take some light exercise such as walking.

Other treatment may include medication to control cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, to help with walking l and to prevent blood clots. Occasionally, surgery is required to improve blood flow to the area.

You may also find the use of supplements such as Regenerix Gold beneficial which may help to ease inflammation and pain. Studies show that patients who take supplements experience less pain and recover faster.

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